Obscenity Trial - This Place

Walking through the crowd without aim or direction
Drifting like a cloud
You don't know where to go
Let me take you there

Looking all around to find someone to guide you
Searching for a way
That could be yours to go
Let me take you there

Standing there alone no one would even notice
Waiting for alight
But none will ever come
Let me take you there

Watching your own body acting in slow motion
You hear the whispering voices
Tell you what to do
Let me take you there

I'm the voice inside your head
The window to your sould
I'm the keeper of your dreams
I'm in control

Lost in isolation, too weak to stand the pressure
Hoping for relief
You called, so here i come
Let me take you there

Open up your eyes, you'll see me in a distance
One small step
Is all it needs to heal
Let me take you there

I take you in my arms and shield you from tomorrow
Cutting of the past
I'm the only thing that counts
Let me take you there

Fading out your pain and all people that surround you
Deliverance for some hours
At least you'll have to pay
Let me take you there

I'm the needle in your head
The virus in your soul
I'm the owner of your dreams
I'm in control

I promised you a home, a land of milk and honey
A keep against your fears
A refuge for your mind
Let me take you there

One small stitch, i'm running through your veins now
I'll claim your mind and will
You called, i'll never ever leave
Now i'll take you away